- “In Trade for Ash” 10×10″ ink on paper
- “The Wake; A Sound of You” 12×16″ ink on paper.
- “CANNA INTRAT (A Rush of Blood)” 10×13″ ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper
- “Lay Down Your Weapons, Our Hands Are Dirty Enough” 12×16″ ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper
- “Crowned in Calm Leaves; All the Dead Years” 11.5×16″ ink and acrylic on paper
- “The Lampads” 7×10″ ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper
- “The Lampads” 7×10″ ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper
- “Your Hair Smells Like You’ve Been on Fire” 14×20″ ink and acrylic on paper
- “The World Had Changed Again, but You Were Tired” 12×12″ ink, acrylic and watercolor on paper